It is important that we believe in ourselves and the vast capacities that we as human beings have. However it is also important that we nurture ourselves too. We live in a world that has high expectations of productivity to deliver material gain, we have somehow grown to believe that if we do not work 24/7 and be the best in everything on offer we have failed.
Our children are driven to achieve and get to the top in academia, sports, drama, music. They are expected to do it all and we expect that of ourselves too.
We are striving to become and to create "superbeings" who can balance life perfectly.
The trouble is, we sometimes struggle to keep all the balls in the air at once, and while we are concentrating hard on doing so we are missing the many things along the way that might brings us the "happiness" factor that we are all looking for.
What makes you happy. really happy?
Perhaps first you have to discover what happiness means for you, after all it will be different for each of us.
Put the balls down, just for a moment and wonder at what you have in your life already, what it is you are still looking for and then ask how you are going to find it.
Even superbeings need to pause once in a while, be kind to yourself.